Dual Axle 2 door Tradesman Trailer
8X5 Braked 2 tonne dual axle trailer + 2 door tradesman top - $8950+ gst
8X5 Braked 3.2 tonne dual axle trailer + 2 door tradesman top - $9450+ gst ** 10 inch electric brakes - standard.
** 60mm 7 leaf eye to eye 3 tonne roller rocker springs - standard. ** 450mm high sides - standard. ** 1.8m draw bar length - standard. ** 16 inch wheels and tyres - standard. ** 8 inch heavy duty swing up jockey wheel - standard. ** 2mm plate steel canopy for superior strength and durability - standard. ** Dual gas struts on all doors - standard. ** Pinch weld rubber seals for protection from dust and rain - standard. ** Ladder racks on the canopy and mesh - standard. |